Usability Testing
Live or remote usability testing gets user feedback early in your design process, and can do this over and over again, reducing wasted effort, and building in delight.
Face-to-face ethnography
By the time we are actually sitting in our consumer’s home, going out for drinks or shopping with her, we’re good friends. Why is that important? Because with all the comfort, intimacy and fun we foster, we get to the deeper truth in all its emotion-rich glory.
Digital ethnography
We want to get to know your consumer even when we’re not around. (Especially when we're not around.) So we ask for their help. We sign up correspondents who pull us into their online lives and into their social networks.
Focus groups
Sometimes you need to micro-engineer your participant screen, or you need to meet a compressed timeline. That’s when we go the traditional route, albeit with some non-traditional elements to keep things fresh.
Shopper insights
We’ve worked in some of the most competitive categories going, for retail chains and for the brands they stock, arranging the messy real lives of consumers into crisp, tidy behavioral segments, optimizing the last three feet and more.
Every CPG brand we know is testing their boundaries with new product ideas to access new consumers, or even just re-excite their loyal fans. We can find out where you have permission to go. And where you don’t.
Hispanic studies
Here in Texas, no one has to remind us of the importance of understanding this segment. And understanding that it's way more than just one segment. And every year, the key insights into attracting these segments evolve. What was true in 2015 just isn’t true anymore.
Ideation workshops
Using fieldwork as inspiration, we do extended sessions to get your internal team focused and aligned around exciting new opportunities -- using custom stimulus cards, consumer co-creation panels and more. The results can be new products, promotional platforms, or something else entirely.
Some insights challenges can't be solved by qualitative alone, so once we have hypotheses, we have ways to expand the sample to get to a confidence level that only quant can deliver. We help you convince everybody on your team to get aligned and move forward.
Field Guides
Remember that PowerPoint that was presented six weeks ago? Neither do the people on your team. That’s why we developed ways to socialize our findings that last well after the projector has been powered down. Hardcover books, flipbooks, consumer habitats in your cafeteria. We serve up consumer truths so that they stick and become a part of your culture.